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Shareholders’ meeting of 21 April 2021

The General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) of de Volksbank N.V. (de Volksbank) was held on 21 April 2021.

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At the GMS, NLFI - in addition to adopting the financial statements for 2020 - agreed to de Volksbank’s proposal to pay out a dividend of € 104 million to be charged to the result for 2020. Given the current uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus the dividend will, on the recommendation of the ECB, not be paid out before 1 October 2021.

NLFI also agreed to a payment on 22 April 2021 of a partial amount of € 20 million of the € 165 million dividend distribution for the 2019 financial year as declared at the GMS in 2020. The balance of € 145 million will not be paid out before 1 October 2021.

Furthermore, the terms of office of Monika Milz and Sonja Barendregt-Roojers as members of the Supervisory Board expired today in conformity with the rotation schedule. Both supervisory board members have indicated not to be available for reappointment.

Monika Milz joined the Supervisory Board of SNS REAAL N.V. on 1 November 2013, was then appointed supervisory board member of de Volksbank on 30 September 2015, and reappointed on 20 April 2017. Monika thus served two terms in office as supervisory board member of de Volksbank. The Corporate Governance Code used by de Volksbank starts from two terms of appointment. Sonja Barendregt-Roojers was a supervisory board member of de Volksbank since 20 April 2017, thus serving one term in office.

The procedure for filling the vacant positions on the Supervisory Board, including the position of Chairman, is ongoing. De Volksbank will make more announcements on this subject at a later date.

As from today, the Supervisory Board of de Volksbank is composed of Jan van Rutte (Chairman), Aloys Kregting and Jos van Lange.

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