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De Volksbank will no longer charge negative interest as from 1 October 2022

From 1 October 2022, de Volksbank will adjust the interest rates of the retail and business accounts of its brands SNS, ASN Bank and RegioBank. The interest rates* will be increased by 0.5% to 0.0% for customers with a total balance that exceeds € 100,000 on savings and current accounts and the cash portion of investment accounts, thus removing the negative interest rate for customers of de Volksbank. For customers with a total balance of up to and including € 100,000 no negative interest was charged, so nothing changes there.

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Martijn Gribnau, Chairman of the Executive Board of de Volksbank: “We are able to adjust the interest rate partly as a result of the ECB’s announced interest rate change. I am glad this rate increase will end the negative interest rates for our customers for now.”

* Interest rates are floating rates and on an annual basis.

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