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De Volksbank takes note of outcome 2020 Spring EU-wide Transparency Exercise

De Volksbank N.V. notes the announcements made today by the European Banking Authority and European Central Bank regarding the information of the 2020 Spring EU-wide Transparency Exercise and fulfilment of the EBA Board of Supervisors’ decision.

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The outcome of the EU-wide transparency exercise can be downloaded here

Background 2020 Spring EU-wide Transparency Exercise

At its meeting in April 2020, the EBA Board of Supervisors approved the package for the 2020 Spring EU-wide Transparency Exercise. The annual transparency exercise will be based solely on COREP/FINREP data on the form and scope to assure a sufficient and appropriate level of information to market participants.

The templates were centrally filled in by the EBA and sent afterwards for verification by banks and supervisors. Banks had the chance to correct any errors detected and to resubmit correct data through the regular supervisory reporting channels.

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