Memberships and conventions
In our daily actions and relationships with suppliers, business partners, customers and society, we adhere to internationally recognised guidelines.

We have signed the ten principles of the UN Global Compact and comply with the standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the OECD. Our integrated annual report provides a comprehensive summary of our progress.
In the context of Corporate Responsibility we are also part of knowledge networks and actively engage with partners, NGOs and society. We can thus share our knowledge and ideas and learn from other companies and partners.
We are held to comply with different codes, such as the Banking Code and the Dutch Corporate Governance Code.
We set great store by engagement
- World Savings Banks Institute (WSBI) / European Savings Banks Group (ESBG)
- Dutch Banking Association (NVB)
- MVO Nederland (CSR Netherlands) – partner in this network organisation for large companies
ASN Bank represents de Volksbank at:
- Equator Principles (2009)
- UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative (1994)
- Global Organisational Stakeholder
- MVO Nederland
Memberships ASN Beleggingsinstellingen Beheer:
- Principles for Responisble Investment (2010)
- VBDO (1996)
- NpM Platform
- Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) (2017)
Commitments de Volksbank
- Principles of Responsible Banking - Company-wide principles: alignment, impacts, clients & customers, stakeholders, governance & culture, transparancy & accountability. The three impact areas that are most significant to us are climate stability, housing and financial health & inclusion (PDF, 2 MB).