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De Volksbank signs UN Standards of Conduct against LGBTI discrimination

De Volksbank signed the United Nations Standards of Conduct for Tackling Discrimination against LGBTI people: a set of five standards of conduct through which the business sector actively contributes to combating discrimination against lesbian women, homosexual men, bisexuals, transgender and intersex people (LGBTI). The bank announces this today, prior to the Pride Amsterdam.

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The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) introduced five standards of conduct to support companies in combating discrimination against LGBTI people. These guidelines dating from 2017 build on the United Nation Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and reflect input from hundreds of companies in different sectors.

De Volksbank believes there is no room for racism and discrimination in our society. Signing the Standards of Conduct fits in well with this. The initiator of signing the standards was ASN Bank, which together with bank brands SNS, BLG Wonen and RegioBank, is part of de Volksbank. In this way, de Volksbank brands are working together on their joint promise ‘better for each other’.

Irina van der Sluijs, Senior Human Rights Adviser at ASN Bank: "According to the UNHRC, the Dutch seem to accept LHBTI people provided they do not deviate too much from the ‘normal’ male and female. Being visibly yourself, therefore, has its risks. By signing the Standards of Conduct, we want to send out a clear signal that everyone who works]at de Volksbank can feel at home there."

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